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Change a Life. Sponsor a Camper.

One week at Camp Barnabas can positively change a child’s life forever. Your tax-deductible gift of $750 can help create a lasting change for those with special needs and chronic illnesses. 60% of our campers receive a “scholarship”. No camper has ever been turned away because of financial limitations.

Capital Campaign

We invite you to be a part of our vision for the future as we build a new dining hall at Barnabas on Lake. For more information please contact Krystal Simon at or by calling 417-708-5297.


AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know – same products, same prices, same service.


Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Camp Barnabas.  Visit and select Barnabas Foundation Inc. as your chosen charity! This is a quick and easy way to show your support. Start shopping today!

Legacy Giving

Including Barnabas Foundation, Inc. in your will

Some people’s legacies are written on monuments. Yours can be written on lives.You can provide now for a future gift to Barnabas Foundation, Inc by including a bequest provision in your will or trust. Your will or trust directs assets to your heirs and can direct a bequest to the Barnabas Foundation. Contact The Salvation Army to learn how confidential, personal financial planning can help you achieve your goals while helping to sustain our life-changing mission.



  • Your assets remain in your control during your lifetime.

  • You can change your bequest if your circumstances change.

  • You can direct your bequest to a particular purpose (be sure to check with Barnabas Foundation, Inc to make sure your gift can be used as intended).

  • You can have the satisfaction of knowing your bequest will support Barnabas Foundation, Inc in the way you intended when you are gone.


Naming CASA as a beneficiary

You can name Barnabas Foundation, Inc as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy or your retirement plan and reduce your tax liability. This is as simple as calling your provider and updating or adding to your beneficiary designations.


As with any decision involving your assets, we urge you to seek the advice of your tax and legal advisors and we recommend you discuss your goals with your financial or estate planning professional. If you have any questions about what types of gifts Barnabas Foundation, Inc accepts, please contact Krystal Simon at

Memorial Contributions

Make a life changing gift, the gift of summer camp, by honoring the life of a friend, colleague, or loved one who has passed away.  We will let the family know a donation has been made in their memory. These gifts can be made at the time of death, on a specific date like their birthday, or the anniversary of their death.

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