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Summer Theme 2017:
All In
"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17

Camp Barnabas: Say So

It is tradition, at Camp Barnabas, that at the end of each week of camp we give the opportunity for anyone to share about their week. Here is a glimpse of what a week at camp means to our campers. Visit to find out how you can help make it possible for more campers to experience this life-changing experience.​

The Barnabas Experience

Our mission at Camp Barnabas is to change lives through disability ministry. At our two camp locations, we meet the needs of people with disabilities so they can have an incredible camp experience and learn more about Christ. To make camp possible, we team up with groups and individuals all across the nation to match up each person one on one with our campers. Camp is more than an experience. Lives are changed for everyone involved.

First Time Parent Experience

Sending a child off to summer camp for the first time can be scary for some of our first time parents. For these parents, their nerves were calmed immediately after their experience. They were confident in knowing their child was being cared for, loved and having a blast.

Camp Barnabas in 30 Seconds

Camp Barnabas is a summer camp for people with special needs and a missions opportunity for youth to come serve one-on-one with our campers. 

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