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Summer Theme 2017:
All In
"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17


At Camp Barnabas, a missionary is someone who feels called to serve others for one week at camp. Our wonderful campers with special needs get to experience camp just as any typical camper would through the adaptation of activities and the one on one support of our missionaries. You can start serving as a missionary at age 14. Our missionaries come with a group as well as individually.

Bringing a Team to Camp Barnabas

Bringing a missionary group to Camp Barnabas is life changing not only for the students you bring but as a leader also. 

Camp Barnabas Medical Team

Being a part of the Camp Barnabas medical team is a great honor. This is an all-volunteer team that works together to assist the camp in providing a safe and fun environment for ALL people to enjoy the great outdoors as they learn about Jesus at Camp Barnabas. Each week, a different group of campers is served with varying disabilities and/or diseases. More than anything, these are people with a big desire to just have fun at summer camp. Having a wonderful medical team of 6-8 nurses and 2 physicians each week allows kids with cancer, hemophilia, Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, autism, spina bifida and many other rare and debilitating diseases, to come to camp and have life-changing experiences.

The Barnabas Experience

Our mission at Camp Barnabas is to change lives through disability ministry. At our two camp locations, we meet the needs of people with disabilities so they can have an incredible camp experience and learn more about Christ. To make camp possible, we team up with groups and individuals all across the nation to match up each person one on one with our campers. Camp is more than an experience. Lives are changed for everyone involved.

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