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MARCH 17 - 19, 2017


For all the years we've been doing camp here at Camp Barnabas, the hardest days are the last days of each week as we wave good-bye to our campers and missionaries. So, Barn-A-Break weekends were created to give campers and parents a break and our staff and missionaries a chance to enjoy time with the campers in between summer sessions. Barn-A-Break is a mini-camp experience at our Teas Trail location. 


$150 Campers

$35 Missionaries


Campers will arrive at 6:00 PM on Friday, March 17th and gates will open at 10:00 AM on Sunday, March 19th for parent pick up. Closing Ceremonies will begin at 10:30 AM.



If you have questions about camper registration for Barn-A-Beak, contact our Camper Registrar, Kelli Hinderliter, by emailing or calling her at 417-708-5298.


If you have questions about missionary registration for Barn-A-Break, contact our Missions Director, Sarah Wilson, by emailing or calling her at 417-737-7082.


If you have questions about Barn-A-Break, email or call 417-476-2565.

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